Dying mother...

by Lucas

Hi, I'm Lucas 31 years old and my mother is dying. She has respiratory problems and her heartbeat is very low. I have colloidal silver but problem is she can't swallow. She has a peg tube too where we feed her and right now she's not able to digest anything.

How could I use colloidal silver to help her? Is it possible despite her inability to swallow?

She has a bad case of MRSA, muscle atrophy (which I've been curing/treating with stinging nettle tea which was working and I was able to give to her till recently when she stopped digesting.) she also suffers from stage 3 or 4 parkinson's disease which she's had for over 28 + years.

I have 3 types of colloidal silver all made with .999 silver and distilled water. One is in a brass container, an eye dropper and hydro sol it's called which is an external version.
Please help if you can.. She's been at home in hospice with nurses who come check on her regularly and all of them say she won't make it..



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Aug 10, 2018

by: Ron

Hi Lucas,

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother! I'm glad you're there to help her and love her!

I sincerely wish I could offer specific advice, but since I'm not a medical professional or a scientist, so I hesitate to answer specific questions that may be perceived as a protocol or treatment.

I do recall reading something about MRSA and colloidal silver. Perhaps you can search Google? I don't have any direct experience with MRSA so what I read online is all I have to go on.

Thanks for contacting me and your mother is in my thoughts and best wishes to all of you!


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